Arglwydd (d)anfon dy leferydd

(O flaen pregeth)
Arglwydd, anfon dy leferydd
  Heddyw yn ei rwysg a'i rym;
Dangos fod dy lais yn gryfach,
  Na's gall dyn wrthsefyll ddim:
Cerdd y'mla'n, nefol dân,
Cymmer yma feddiant glân.

Tyred Iesu i'r ardaloedd,
  Lle teyrnasa'r dywyll nos;
Na'd fod rhan
    o'r byd heb wybod,
  Am dy chwerw angau loes:
Pa'm bydd poen, addfwyn Oen,
Am dano yn eitha'r byd heb sôn.

Mae'r efengyl wen yn curo,
  Ac yn codi banner gras,
Mewn rhyw filoedd o ardaloedd,
  Ar y mynydd, yn y maes:
Y mae llef bur y nef,
Yn cyhoeddi ei haeddiant ef.

Aed i'r dwyrain a'r gorllewin,
  Aed i eitha'r India draw,
I fod hoelion dur cadarnaf,
  Yn ei draed ac yn ei law,
Doed y'nghyd, eitha'r byd,
I wel'd tegwch dy wynebpryd.
Tyred :: Dere

- - - - -

(Llef yr Arglwydd)
Arglwydd, anfon dy leferydd
  Heddyw yn ei rwysg a'i rym,
Dangos fod dy lais yn gryfach
  Nas gall dyn wrthsefyll ddim;
Cerdd y'mlaen, nefol dân,
Cymer yma feddiant glân.

Grym dy lef
    a nerth dy eiriau,
  Sydd yn codi'r meirw'n fyw,
Mae agoriad nef ac uffern
  Wrth dy wregys di, fy Nuw;
Gair dy ras, pur ei flas,
All ddadgloi y galon gâs.

- - - - -

(Grym llef Crist)
Arglwydd, anfon dy leferydd,
  Heddyw yn ei rwysg a'i rym,
Dangos fod dy lais yn gryfach,
  Nas gall dyn wrthsefyll dim:
Tyr'd yn mlaen, nefol dân,
Cymmer yma feddiant glân.

Deuwch hil syrthiedig Adda,
  Daeth y Jubil lawn o hedd,
Galwad sydd i bawb o'r enw,
  I fwynhau tragwyddol wledd:
Bwrdd yn llawn, yma gawn,
O foreuddydd hyd brydnawn.

- - - - -

(Digololwyrdd aberth y groes)
Arglwydd, anfon dy leferydd
  Heddyw yn ei rwysg a'i rym;
Dangos fod dy lais yn gryfach,
  Na's gall dyn wrthsefyll ddim:
Cerdd y'mla'n, nefol dân,
Cymmer yma feddiant glân.

Tyred Iesu i'r ardaloedd,
  Lle teyrnasa'r dywyll nos;
Na'd fod rhan
    o'r byd heb wybod,
  Am dy chwerw angau loes:
Pa'm bydd poen, addfwyn Oen,
Am dano yn eitha'r byd heb son.

Dacw gariad fel yr afon,
  Dacw heddwch fel y llif,
Wedi cànu fel yr eira,
  Frodyr anwyl fwy na rhif;
Gydâ hwy, caiff fod mwy,
F'enaid heb na briw na chlwy.

Dacw'r ffynnon wedi ei hagor
  A ddysgwyliwyd lawer oes,
'Nawr yn llifo fel y grisial
  Maes o'i ystlys ar y groes,
Dwfr a gwaed, rydd iachâd
I'r pechadur mwyaf gaed.

Minau bellach orfoleddaf,
  Mae fy mywyd gwerthfawr iawn,
Wedi ei roddi ynghudd i gadw,
  Mewn Cyfryngwr perffaith llawn;
Digon yw, mae fe'n Dduw,
Ceidw f'enaid bach yn fyw.

O gwna i mi brofi'r sypiau,
  Hyfryd ffrwythau y Ganaan wlad,
Blas maddeuant pur a heddwch,
  Gwleddoedd hyfryd tŷ fy Nhâd,
Dyma hwy, y perlau mwy,
A gloddiwyd yn ei farwol glwy.

            - - - - -

Arglwydd, danfon dy leferydd
  Heddyw yn ei rwysg a'i rym;
Dangos fod dy lais yn gryfach
  Nag all dyn wrthsefyll ddim;
Cerdd y'mla'n, nefol dân,
Cymmer yma feddiant glân.

Tyred allan yn dy arfau,
  O balasau teg y ne',
Achub bwrcas dy ddyoddefaint,
  Fe'n distrywir onid ê;
Mawr yw'r llid, sy'n y byd,
I goncwero'n henaid drud.

'Rwyf yn credu na's diodefaist,
  Ar y groesbren, farwol glwy',
Tros ryw rai nad o'et yn garu,
  Nac yn 'nabod o hynynt hwy;
Y mae brad dinaccad,
Yma 'nawr i werth dy waed.

Tyred bellach, tyr'd yn ebrwydd,
  Ac anadla'r gwyntoedd cry',
Sydd yn nerthu'r pererinion
 I wynebu'r gâlon hy':
Gan wneud grym satan llym,
Mewn munudyn fyn'd yn ddim.
Fe'n distrywir onid ê :: Fe ddistrywir onide
goncwero'n :: orchfygu'm
Tyred bellach, tyr'd yn :: Dere bellach, dere'n
Gan wneud :: Yn gwneud

William Williams 1717-91

Thonau [8787337]:
Dumah (<1825)
Dunsby (<1825)
Dolfor/Sardis (alaw Gymreig)
Dretzel (Kornelius Heinrich Dretzel 1697-1775)
Groeswen (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Pant y Celyn (<1835)
Providence (<1825)
Wyddgrug (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

Dacw'r ffynnon wedi ei hagor
Dacw gariad fel yr afon
Golwg Arglwydd ar dy ŵyneb
Mae grasusau pen Calfaria
Tyred Iesu i'r ardaloedd

(Before a sermon)
Lord, send thy utterance
  Today in its power and its force;
Show that thy voice is stronger,
  Than anything man can withstand:
Walk forward, heavenly fire,
Take here a holy possession.

Come Jesus to the regions,
  Where the dark night reigns;
Do not let there be any part
    of the world without knowing
  About thy bitter pangs of death:
Why should pain, dear Lamb,
Not be told about to the ends of the world?

The bright gospel is knocking,
  And raising a banner of grace,
In some thousands of regions,
  On the mountain, in the field:
The pure cry of heaven is
Publishing his merit.

Let it go to the east and the west,
  Let it go to the extremity of far India,
That there are strongest steel nails
  In his feet and in his hand,
Let the ends of the world come together,
To see the fairness of thy countenance!

- - - - -

(The call of the Lord)
Lord, send thy utterance
  Today in its power and its force,
Show that thy voice is stronger
  Than anything man can withstand;
Walk forward, heavenly fire,
Take here a holy possession.

The force of thy voice
    and the strength of thy words,
  Which raise the dead alive,
The key of heaven and hell is
  By thy belt, my God;
The word of thy grace, pure its taste,
Can unlock the hateful heart.

- - - - -

(The force of the call of Christ)
Lord, send thy utterance,
  Today in its power and its force,
Show that thy voice is stronger,
  Than anything man can withstand:
Come on, heavenly fire,
Take here a holy possession.

Come ye fallen race of Adam,
  The full Jubilee of grace came,
A call there is to everyone of the name,
  To enjoy an eternal feast:
A table full, here we may get,
From morning until evening.

- - - - -

(The sufficiency of the sacrifice of the cross)
Lord, send thy utterance,
  Today in its power and its force,
Show that thy voice is stronger,
  Than anything man can withstand:
Walk forward, heavenly fire,
Take here a holy possession.

Come Jesus to the regions,
  Where the dark night reigns;
Do not let there be any part
    of the world without knowing
  About thy bitter pangs of death:
Why should pain, dear Lamb,
Not be told about to the ends of the world?

Here is love like the river,
  Here is peace like the flood,
Having been bleached like the snow,
  Dear brothers mor than number;
With them, my soul may get
More, without either wound or sickness.

Here is a fount having been opened
  Which was expected for many an age,
Now flowing like the crystal
  Out of his side on the cross,
Water and blood, free healing
To the greatest sinner there is.

I henceforth will rejoice,
  My life is very valuable,
Having been hidden to preserve it,
  Ina perfect, full Mediator;
Sufficient he is, he is God,
He will keep my little soul alive.

Oh, make me taste the delightful
  Clusters of the fruits of Canaan's land,
A flavour of pure forgiveness and peace,
  Delightful feasts of my Father's house,
Here they are, the greater pearls,
Which were buried in his mortal wound.

                 - - - - -

Lord, send thy utterance
  Today in its splendour and its power;
Show that thy voice is stronger
  Than man can withstand at all;
Walk forward, heavenly fire,
Take here thy holy possession.

Come out in thy armour,
  From the fair palaces of heaven,
Save the purpose of thy suffering,
  Lest it be destroyed;
Great is the wrath, that is in the world,
To conquer our precious soul.

I am believing thou didst not suffer,
  On the wooden cross, a mortal wound,
For those thou didst not love,
  Or recognize;
There is persistent treachery,
Here now to the worth of thy blood.

Come now, come quickly,
  And breathe the strong winds,
Which are strengthening the pilgrims
  To face the haughty heart:
Making the force of keen Satan,
In a minute become nothing.
conquer our :: overcome my

tr. 2015,21 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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